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Hai! <3 

A few days ago the idea of a Discord server came up! I'd be down for the idea. Would be lush to interact more;  have a scuba n Odraani themed rooms, maybe a NSFW themed one for the rubbery Elise arts :V (as long as there is some kind of age filter on discord)

I'm a bit worried about keeping it in hand though! Would basic rules be sufficient? How many admins would you recommend? .3. 

Am I overthinking?

EDIT: I meant this as a Patron only discord!



Kiono Hiemalis

Did you know "Hai" is shark in German? xD There are ways to age filter on Discord, or at least warn a certain room is NSFW, not an actual de facto age filter with big authentification. Basic rules of descency, the Netiquette, should suffice, I think. The number of moderators and admins depends, though. On one artist's discord it's 66 users total and 8 mods, a YouTuber discord has 2500+ users and also just 8 mods plus one Admin. And I am mod in both and it really depends on the users you expect. In the smaller one I never had to do anything beyond giving out roles, the bigger one has calmed down recently, but has seen daily warnings of users and weekly a kick or ban. So, for a smallish group of people one admin, you, and a couple of mods, should suffice.

Stanislas M. Foutoukrée

I speak English, but it's difficult I'll try to keep it simple. I've had some experience, I'd know how to give a little advice. First question for you: Would this be a waiter only for Patreon or for everyone? That changes a lot, because fewer people would come if it's private. Two: It's a lot of strangers coming in, you'll need some moderator. 1 or 2 if it's a Patreon server. 4 or 5 if it's a public server. But the moderator will have to be very active at the opening. I don't know how many people will come, but when it's new, people are all active. At its launch, a server where I am must have had 10 moderators for 2000 members. The administrators: I'd say at least two. You and one other. But at least one will have to know discord, to create the server.


Thank you for the info! I really appreciate it! &lt;3 Should have mentioned that this would be a Patron only server, so at max, 54 members, me included! I'll deffo need a helping hand!


Yuss! Hence why Elise has a red "Hai!" shark sticker on her tank ^^ That sounds promising! Yeee, reallly shoud have mentioned I meant this as a Patron-only discord! An open one would be a nightmare to manage as newcomer like me! Yee! From how it sounds so far, I'll need to find a mod, and things should be all smooth sailing!


I'd love to be part of this idea! Your initial room suggestion sounds good, probably another admin other than yourself, or a handful of moderaters. If you need a hand, I've got some moderation experience, although I haven't ever created rooms or anything &gt;w&gt;;


It's an interesting idea. I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with everything on the server since I got a lot of them already, but I'd love to try it


I'd deffo be down to joining a discord server should you ever decide on it! ^w^ As for ettiquette, just the basic stuff will suffice for the most part. Don't be rude, don't be spam the servers etc. You can edit the rules later on if you feel you need to add something extra, just make sure you let us all know when you do so x3 Also, make sure you have a stance on sensitive issues, these topics can sometimes spiral out of control and jump right down the rabbits nest if you're not careful. So, will they be acceptable on the server or won't they be and we'll have to PM peeps in private if we really wanna have such discussions? Other than that, one admin and one modder should be sufficient for starting small &lt;3333


A Discord server would be cool, if it's patron only then it'll be small and easy to moderate.