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I have a ton of sketches, and a lot of them would be nice to see finished!

For a bit now, I've ben thinking how could a such suggestion thread would work. A poll wouldn't cut it as there would be too many options ... Maybe an open thread where people could link the sketch they like the most, and the one getting the most likes would be finished?

What do you thinks? .3.


Kiono Hiemalis

I think a poll would work nicely, as the open thread would need the sketches to be somewhere. :o (Also, Discord, hint, nudge, hint)


Hmmm tru! You can link stuff, but it would be messy? https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJwIjoxfQ%3D%3D/patreon-media/p/post/32865271/632cc4eb77b24b23b354208e8aa653bf/1.png?token-time=1583107200&token-hash=N0qOxo_UzbJfev4Sw1x6JwEuSPWwfViTZQ66q8_lfjI%3D Maaaybe me pre-selecting a few I'm the happiest with? And yuss! Didn't forget it! Just thinking how to make it work! ^^

Balefire Phoenix

Discord channel with emoji reacts :3c Google Forms should let you add images as results, too! Just upload a bunch of sketches in there and let people choose 3/4 of the best ones.


I'd reccommend selecting a few sketches (maybe 6-10) that you personally would like to see completed the most, add those sketches to a drop-box, then post a poll with the drop-box link. It's the best I can come up with as I remember seeing this particular method used in another patreon I'm part of, and there is works quite well! ^w^ Hope that suggestion helped to give you some ideas! <3333