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Usually the moon pool's airlocks get depressurised as the team is gearing up so they don't have to wait in their heavy kits, but this time there was a slight technical delay.  The crew used these extra minutes to pair up and do final-final gear check, Helena's assistant  did a thorough job, but she noticed them taking quick glances at her curves, much to her amusement. Late said crew was put on mopping duty.

Took me a long time to actually get to colour her; though two evening streams did the job! Really should do more them often; there are tons of sketches or lines to chose from! .3.

Hope you'll like it! <3




"Like what you see? When we're done you get to clean the floor until my reflection shines off it." Didn't know Helena had a sense of humor like that!


Aw man, thats perf haha! You've pretty much took the words out of her mouth! &lt;3

Kiono Hiemalis

Thank you for sharing the progress of creating this beautiful piece with us AND having time to chat with us~ :D I can almost imagine her teasing the crew with just a tiny bit of hip wiggling before slamming her tail down and calling them to attention before calling out the punishment. xD


Ofc!! Was really lovely to start streaming again! Amaze way to interact and also helps a lot to do steady progress ^^^ Hahaha yas! Though she waited for the mission to be completed before confronting the assistant! Don't want to distract them from the mission just yet!


Can she really be surprised that anyone would stare a bit? I mean, I'd be on cleanup duty a lot if that's how things go. But that seems worth it :P


She isn't surprised by the fact, but how sloppy the execution of the peeks were! Her crew are well trained and shouldn't be caught so easy ^^ Hahaha can't argue with that! -w-'

Balefire Phoenix

That's a very big gun! They could have been checking out the gun. For strictly academic purposes, of course. Loooove the way this turned out ^^ Gotta catch one of your streams sometime!


I keep getting lost in the deets... you totes have a way with making your gear as detailed as possible without cluttering... ;3; &lt;333 Hopefully just helping her double-check her gear with the occasional sneaky glance wouldn't be a "mop-duty" offence. Or is such a privilege only reserved for her most trusted employees? ^^;


"Nice try! The mop is over there" ^^ Thank yous!! Yass! needs to be a regular event!


Aww thank you! It means a lot hearing it! &lt;3 Deeeets! Yeee! Her personal assistant should know such things are to be avoided! ^^