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From the suggestion thread! Had this idea hanging around, but seeing it in the suggestion thread really made me want to do et! ^^

Helena having a quick cup of Cav ( synthetic sour coffee ) as she's getting ready take on her duties for the day; despite her being a commander of a very successful mercenary group, they spend most of their time out of action, exercising, doing maintenance or simply busywork.

Their ship ( 'Scalló ' ) is an old Odraani colony explorer that changed hands many times before Helena blackmailed a pirate group to get it for a very favourable price. The ship was built to be incredibly sturdy, able to withstand a wide range of hazardous elements,  - including underwater environments - carry tons of supplies and equipment, while also relatively easy to maintain. Still, the ship's previous rough handling does show; many of the non essential wirings, panelling were scavenged by previous owners.

The crew quarters are cramped, uncomfortable, with the luxury for space being the commander's  privilege. 



Kiono Hiemalis

What an awesome design! The round hull makes me think of a sub marine, which would also make it more cramped and the room of the commander even more desireable~ While not inviting it sure is a great place!


Seems even with those privileges, the commander's quarters still look fairly cramped. Must be a pain if you're one of those folks who likes to pace up and down a room in private .3. Hope she doesn't reguarly hit her head on that wall panelling by accident whenever she wakes up! I imagine that would make her pretty cranky on a morning ^^; I also like the name of the ship. 'Scalló'. Wish I was that good at coming up with names uwu


"How many atmospheres of pressure can the ship withstand?" "Well, it's a spaceship, so I'd say anywhere between one and zero." Kidding aside, nice that she's got her own little cabin, like on the old submarines (or modern ones I guess). What sort of armament would such a ship carry? Atmos/hydro missiles/torpedoes? Lasers?


Thank you!! <3 Yass, the vessel is actually designed to be suitable for interstellar flight and underwater research! ^^ Yee, she's the only one to be able to stretch her legs across her room .3. Thankies! ^^ Hopes we get to see more of the ship!


Yeee! She's that type haha; when she needs to think, she sometimes goes to the cargo hold to pace, but she tries to keep it to her room most of the time ^^ While she's lucky with enough space, the smaller quarters have padding tied onto the walls and pipes so the crew dont hit their heads all the time ;3; Ah thank you!! ;3; The way I try to do it is I try syllables that fits the subject, and keep adding more and more till i get a sounding i like!


Hahaha! Actually it can withstand range from 30 atm pressure underwater! ^^ It helps that Odraani vessels have a much higher internal pressure by default .3. Yee! Most of the Odraani ships are built as such! Cramped and designed more like submarine in space ^^ Their tech isn't the best, so most of their naval weaponry are massive railguns and torpedoes; laser/plasma weaponry is still in the early stages of reverse engineering. Helena's ship, however, its very ligtly armed; only a few light cannons,