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A glimpse of Elise enjoying a warm sunny day in Australia during her visit! While she generally enjoys her weather a bit colder, it was a perfect time to hang around by the pool with Aahnaye and Raiyk! <3  

Always nice to draw seasonal pics! :v

Hope you like et!




Ahhhhhhhh!!! I love this! ;w; Hehe, Elise looks pretty dorky just floating there on the water with her legs and tail in the air. Can totes relate to such dorkness -w- Also, dem warm colours and dat face x3

Kiono Hiemalis

So adorable! Gonna visit the Great Barrier Reef for some diving and snorkling, eh? Though right now I wouldn't want to go to Australia, everything is melting or on fire there at the moment x.x The only place to surive there would indeed be the pool. x3


Definitely looks like a fun time, and there's no better place to be in Aussieland than the water! Did she manage to get some scuba or snorkelling done while there? o3o


Awww thank you! &lt;3 ;w; Yasss, this is possibly from moments away from her rolling off from her floaty into the water! &gt;w&lt; Thankies! Was nice to do something warm! &lt;3


Ooo deffo!! They already have a date booked for the trip! Yeeeah, heat and crawlies are not my thing, but good companies can offset that totally! &lt;3


Yass! Nice pool with cold drinks and some bbq getting done just feets away! Not yet, but all is planned for a nice dive! ^^