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From the last, rubbery-themed suggestion thread!

Sometimes Helena and her team gets involved in really risky missions, some including dangerous spores and airborne toxins; luckily, their ships are equipped with all the gear needed to deal with those!

I admit I'm noooot that happy with this particular pose; too simple n plain, though I'm satisfied with the gear ;3; May revisit later!

Hope you like!



Kiono Hiemalis

I like the poofyness over the overpressure system that keeps everything away from the inside of the suit! Or at least it looks like that to me. x3


Sometimes simple poses can convey a lot imho. Like, her posture along with that expression, Helena looks kind of cautious. Mmmaybe there's quite a bit more radiation or toxins down here than her intel suggested? Like, she's got a kind of: "Hmm, that might be a problem later on" kind of face .3.


Amazing!!! Please, more arts in this suit!!! ))


Aww thank you! <3 I tend to overlook simpler poses, as for me, they show that im lazy and didnt try enough haha ... buuuuut this simpler pose is totes good as a suit concept art! :3 Yeee, she's deffo more on the cautious side; her speciality is underwater missions, toxins worry her a little


Saw this pop up on Twitter and loved that simple but perfect hazmat gear you came up with and figured it's high-time I started supporting your Patreon for more of this goodness :P


Thankies man!! <3 It really means a lot! <3 And yass, she might need to pop up more in the hazmat gear, the good old Odraani one or some off-duty bodyglove c: