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Helena and her team is ready to go for their next mission; mapping out the underwater ruins of a recently discovered site; the waters are shallow and relatively safe, but the thick cover of sand will make their job tricky. Nothing her team could handle, though!

- the vote eventually went in favour of her white-black wetsuit; will go with that! -

Been chipping away from these inks every eve after work for a little time now; been helpful to give back some art-mojo and confidence. Not there yet, but getting there; need to work on my colourings now as it hasn't been going smoothly <.>

Hopes you'll enjoy!



Kiono Hiemalis

Harpoon gun for self defense against those pesky sharks? Thick sand though? Oh my, that is a problem, especially in relatively still water! Once disturbed it sits there in the water for like hours! At least her gear does not let bubbles out, at least it looks like a curcuit rebreather system to me. But what are the hoses or pipes along the arms and tail for? Some sort of pneumatic system for propulsion or carefully blowing sand away?


Sharks would be the least of their problems! That planet's aquatic fauna is home to all sorts of horrors .3. But yiss, it's a compact underwater version of an Odraani railgun, Helena's favourite. Yee, that's one of the issues; care must be taken investigating the ruins, but her team is the best money could buy. Sadly, it's not a rebreather; the Odraani is lagging quite behind with diving technology. The one on her arm is connected to her tank, and is basically a clunky dive computer, navigation device, the ones on her tail - and the valve on her chest - are part of the suits pressure system - not a simple wetsuit, but a more sophisticated suit that can also work as a pressure suit or drysuit when needed.


Aw man! I'd imagine it would be Subnautica mixed with Borderlands, but with way more scalies .3.