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Been having a tiring week, with the hot, humid air and work stuff, so to help me warm up for arts, I've chipped away from a Tia sketch each eve! Here she es!

Man, been years since I last drew my dieselpunk shark-gal Tia! ;w; Missed Shark Week, but it sure did inspire me to dust her off ;w;




Balefire Phoenix

Ooh, it's that setting from a few years back! I'm a sucker for Kaiserreich-esque "what if somebody/nobody won/lost WW1/WW2?" universes, so it's nice to see a tiny bit of that showing up again :3


Yeee! Though I think I'll drop most of it in favour of a less-real world based one for more creative freedoms <.> Nonetheless, it should be fun to play around with retro tech! <3