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Had a fun idea the other day, namely to have some sort of Q&A session about the Odraani in general!

If you'd like to know, just ask! Think it's a nice way to expand the universe and get to know it a little better, as most of the info are thrown about all over the web in little portions accompanying the uploads .3.

You can ask multiple times, but keep in mind that unlike the Elise Q&A thread, the answers will be text only!

Ask away! :D



Balefire Phoenix

Monarchies are fun! What's the Emperor (or Empress) up to these days? Have you managed to bring many species under your glorious rule, or is that a work-in-progress sort of thing? Any recommendations for sightseeing on the homeworld?


What's the protocol of the Odraani in regards to new contacts? It seems they've met Darb-Earth, is there a reason they haven't just conquered it?


Oooh! I've always been curious about your sneaky little space reptiles! OwO Okis, so I'll start with some basic questions: 1) What is the Odranni homeworld like? What is it called? What biomes are most prominent? Is there anything special about it such as the amount on continents it has? 2) What's Odranni culture like? Is it a single monoculture or is it incredibly multi-cultural but under a single polity? If the latter, what would be considered their 'dominant' culture? What does the average Odranni wear? Any fantastic holidays they have? What sort of media do they enjoy? What sort of cultural values are the Odranni encouraged to aspire to? 3) How would you describe the Odranni polity? A democracy? A constitutional/absolutist monarchy? Oligarchy? Something else? 4) The Odranni seems to be an expanding imperium, so how does it govern its newly conquered territories? How are conquered peoples treated? Question for Darb: What would you say are your main sources of inspiration for the Odranni? They are a pretty cool idea and I'm curious what inspired you to create them. Thinking of telling any stories with them? .w. Apologies for the excessive question spamming ^^;

Balefire Phoenix

If this is still open, I'll throw in a few more questions c: What's the Empire's greatest feet of engineering? Perhaps an impressive building or a Death Star lookalike? Are there any rebels, pirates, dissidents and the like trying to bring it down from within? Out of the army/navy/air force/space force, which gets the most attention?