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Helena's earlier years, back  when she was an Odraani Lieutenant, serving as the quartermaster at a garrison on Nitov III. 

 Been feeling more art mojo flowing lately, and made this sketch to warm up for me comms. .w.

Thank you guys for being so supportive and patient! <3



Balefire Phoenix

I love the Star Wars Imperial officer vibe this outfit has! Those uniforms are just *too classy*, and the leather glove &amp; shoulder patch combo makes them look even more eeeeevil &lt;3


Heh, its kinda funny to imagine Helena as anything but a leader of her merc crew but seeing a younger version of her is a really fun take!! Really dig the outfit you gave her as a quartermaster, the simplistic look to it is super appealing! Also cant help but think she really didnt like being a quartermaster, seems like leading people is more her gig haha!!


Haha yiss, she had to start and get her military experience somewhere! There's a bit more backstory to her position, which I'll elaborate when the pic is done, but her being a quartermaster lead up to her being a treasure hunting mercenary!


Aw yisss, I - may - have taken inspiration from them :D I missed drawing the Odraani I admits! ;w;