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Hai everyone! <3

Thank you for all the lovely questions for the Q&A! I've selected the ones I'll do arts for! :3c

Sorry It's been a dry month so far; IRL work kinda messed up my plans a few weeks back and I've been on damage control till this weekend. BUT! It's all past tense now!

I'll be away for a week, visiting my bestie duder, Feranta! 

Once I'm back, I'll revert back into arting; wanna finish up those scuba Elise pics! I actually redid much of the lines of the Elise and Aahnaye one but it's for the better good I swear much better angle and composition! .3.'

Take care everyone!



IRL stuff always gets in the way of things, it's important to handle it first tho so don't feel like its a bad thing if that takes up a while haha. Have a safe flight and fun time vistin' Feranta duderino! Can't wait to see all the arts you'll have to post when you get back as well!! &lt;3
