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Edit: I decided to make a new post for 0.9.5 because the last post was getting overwhelmed with comments of freezing and everything. I finally found the source so everyone should be good. If you manage to find a freeze on this version 0.9.5, please let me know.

A little explanation on what happened. Our translation setup ended up causing any vngen_text lines that happened after any vngen_pause lines, caused the game to freeze up. Some people didnt realize because they already had save files past those points. I didnt realize because I released without a fuller gameplay dive.

So what can we do in the future to make sure that doesn't happen again? Well I'd love for you guys to message me if you're willing to be apart of QA team. I can also release early to Creators and Producers once again, to bounce feedback about balancing and bug squashing.

Thanks to all our lovely patrons for making this game possible! ❤️

You can download without being a patron, but in order to gain full access you'll need to be logged into your Patreon account and have a pledge level of Patron or higher.

PC, Mac, Android Download Folder for 0.9.6: https://mega.nz/folder/OaAS2IwA#1aRpsIi2jYZm6Owwsh-BBw 

Windows Instructions: Unzip all contents to a folder and run the .exe

Mac Download: Run the app file. (If you get "unable to find game" error, simply drag the app file out of the DMG into another folder before you run it. )

Android Download: Download & Install the APK. ( Make sure your phone can install from unknown sources. Navigate to settings > security settings, and enable the Install from Unknown Sources. )

See Patch notes below:

**Hotfix 8/15/2022 7:33AM

  • Janice 5-0 fix
  • Removed Duplicate names for dark screens in a script, white screens which may cause freezing
  • Removed special characters and duplicates from Janice Package scene which may have caused freezing
  • Removed ellipse symbol accidentally created in 13-2
  • Fixed pressing hide button not letting you return to visible UI

**Hotfix 8/14/2022 7:40AM

  • Rearranged all text that was spawning after pausing, causing the game to stall/freeze/pause
  • Added better debug controls anyone can access with F7 on PC/Mac
  • Fixed Janice double spawning at night

**Hotfix 8/12/2022 4:20PM

  • Luck in Blackjack adjusted from 25% chance to 50% chance when given a 10 or 11 to hit 21.
  • NEW Tara has been given Anti-luck so to speak. The higher your luck the better odds ( up to 50%) that she gets a crappy 6, 5 or 4 when given a 10 or 11 instead of a face card.
  • Removed the split action, didn't work always 100% and not really necessary for recreational blackjack.
  • Max bets have increased, you can now bet around 1/3 of the starting chips. (Max bets scale, 50, 75, 125, 225) So you can play fast and loose or steady and concentrated.
  • Attempted fix at freezes, by removing plausible continue breaks.
  • Attempted fix at freezes by implementing 2 fallback counters for events and actions.
  • Fixed Game not supported on Intel macs. (Architecture switch sometimes gets flipped to only Silicone)

**Hotfix 8/11/2022 4:16AM

  • Fixed ct_routes bug when characters dont spawn
  • Fixed phone bug when checking phone during Tara 7-1

🎮Gameplay Features

  • NEW Tara Storyline Over 20+ new scenes of storyline content!
  • 4 New Tara CGs Some of the most detailed and varied animated CGs we've done to date!
  • NEW Training Skills Skills are finally here! Train your Charisma, Intelligence, Dexterity, Strength, and Luck! Added ability to train 3 times so less repetition!
  • NEW Money System Make money on your PC and boost your intelligence to increase your income! (Basic system for now)
  • NEW Blackjack MiniGame Bet big and see if you can outluck Tara in Blackjack! She would never try to cheat... right?

🔧Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Janice Restaurant bug... again
  • Lots of others but I don't have time to list them :P

⌛Sandbox Features

  • NEW Added New Characters to Sandbox
  • Ashton
  • Raven
  • Tyler
  • NEW Sandbox Additions:
  • Seashells Nipple Pasties,
  • Pink Fuzzy Nipple Pasties,
  • Angel Wings,
  • Angel Halo,
  • Demon Horns,
  • Demon Tail,
  • Thick Choker.


We have 98% of the entire game now in csv files for translation, however it seems most api translation is actually quite expensive, so we're looking into other methods. Also technologies like Google LaMDA could be ground breaking, so we haven't been in a rush just yet to pay out for translation. We'll follow up on this another time <3

👍About the update

Thanks everyone for your patience, but I do want to have faster smaller piece updates since this shouldn't' have taken as long as it did.

One idea is to split the game into 2 branches. One would be for small updates like 1-2 chapters for Tara or Lily etc. and the other branch would be long term update with things like translations, a big update to our IDE which involves new spine animation tech as well, things of that nature.

This way we can still get you small updates even when we're doing big things in the background. This way it wont be so long between updates like you saw for this one!

There was also so much Tara that we couldn't include it all in this update, so look for more smaller updates with a few scenes here and there :)

🐛Known Issues

-In blackjack you can both have an ace and it sometimes forces a push instead of a clear winner.

-Currently names and relationships dont change, its from translation setup, will investigate this week.

Much Love,





are you guys planning to add voice acting?

Silver Fox

Thank you for putting in another hot fix, but having the same issues with her in blackjack, please either drop her luck or put a skip option in because I can't take her beating my ass at black jack any longer. It's either she beats my hand by a single point, or she pushes/tie/matches my hand or she gets a unbeatable 21 points which she gets a lot of 21 points in a single game which is why her luck is an issue.

Silver Fox

Ok haha found out how to increase luck, beat her finally but then the game crashed. Even when I beat her fair and square she still wins and gets the last laugh.


I am having a freeze at the end of Tara's last orgasm


I think it would be sweet, just have to make sure the artists are high quality and can do work ideally even after the commission.


yes it is at the white screen

Silver Fox

Ok mixed but positive update, the luck seems to have helped. Won the 400 dollar bet then won the 600 dollar bet after just one try. But now I'm get this white/pale blueish screen that I can't get past during the blowjob scene, don't know if anyone else is having that problem, the previous crash would just force close the game.


I’m having issues on android with performance speed. Is there a way to make it faster? It does everything at a slow load up and playing. Also having issues with name changing. Still calls everyone by default names


Not sure if i'm still getting glitches but i tried to delete old save and it gave me an error message, Also I changed the name and family status of the characters but it didn't cahnge in game


When I'm playing I've got like 100% CPU Load and I've got a 12900K, has anyone else this kind of performance-hogging?


Yes you can remove the shaders by going to settings, shaders off. I compiled with them on but I may switch back to default no shaders for performance reasons.


Hmm not sure about this, we probably aren't supporting multi-threading at the moment? That's so high at 16 cores it might be all on one core. I'll look into this. For now you can turn shaders off that might help but that could just be for your gpu


the names and statuses of the characters keep resetting to default. :7


Yeah they're gonna drop a patch for the names and relationship soon I have the same problem but a patch is coming 👍


I turned off shaders but it keeps defaulting back to enabled. So sometimes it says but it always defaults to shaders enabled. Other then that great game and art!

Troy Turner

When on mobile I can't access the menu or any of the buttons at the bottom of the screen