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👨‍⚕️Complications on my end

This isn't my usual post for LIW, but I needed to inform everyone about what's been happening. Unfortunately an older member of my family has passed away from Covid complications unexpectedly.

Me and another family member were also exposed to the virus which only affected me for a few days, at least I thought at first..  I had lung tightness and coughing for 3 weeks before I went to urgent care where I was prescribed some meds. And to top it off our pet is now in the veterinarian hospital for bronchitis since he was struggling to breathe.

The silver lining is that I've been feeling much better today though, first time I've woken up and not had any chest pressure, other family member is slowly doing better each day.

I did some research and It turns out something called Covid long can affect people long after they've been infected with Covid. Sometimes the coughing or other symptoms can last months if not longer.

❓What this means

I'll still be working on LIW, just at a limited pace for the next week or two. I have to finish funeral arrangements and be there for family, especially those that have flown in. Once that's over we'll be back to full throttle.

Art, animation, writing and certain programming portions should still be able to cruise normally. You'll also be getting introduced to new characters before you know it with Pixie and Raven being finalized.

💜Stay Safe

Thanks for your understanding during this challenging time. Not at ALL how I wanted to start the new year, but I know we'll make it through to the other side 👊. Stay safe and I encourage you to wear a mask if you feel any type of sickly symptoms as we approach peak covid season.





I’m sorry for your loss and hope you feel better soon just take your time I’m sure everyone will understand why ❤️


I'm done wearing a mask; unless it's a K95, it won't do much. My health and immune system are better than it has ever been. Taking so many supplements and just staying away from people in general. Glad you are better and sorry for your loss amigo. Stay safe.


Condolences for your loss, and best wishes to you and yours.


I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. I hope you're back to 100% quickly. Stay safe


I'm sorry for your loss brother. Wishing you and your family a swift recovery.


My condolences 🙏


Sorry for your loss, don't push yourself to hard. wish you the best of luck.


I am new here but just want to add take care of yourself. Health comes first. Get well.


My condolences for your family, please take your time and recover and rest thats the best thing for you and your family right now dont worry about the game we can wait that should be the least of your concerns. I pray for you and your family


i am also new here and i am so sorry for your loss this game can wait take your time and adjust properly physically and mentally. I know it's weird but I am def here for your support even if it's in the comments