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Spenny's Grandsonson

Thank you kenny for the patreon spenny hasn’t been able to feed me in years !

Paul McDonald

I thought the feed tube comes down the glory hole though? Hearing this causes me distress, embarrassment, consternation, humiliation, or general mental anguish. Maybe yarp yarp can drop off a fat Santa shank from the Slay Christmas Sleigh.

Paul McDonald

Seasons bleatings to the hardest/most endearing punk I grew up watching in the dirty 'shwa. So grateful for the wacky crew. A big shoutout to Sebby who has a lot of good taste and spurred on Kenny to the max. How the hell did this get aired from the 2000s? Before national news even?! Miracle IMO. I can't help but think you got some notice since papal chase. Maybe a fan? I hope so, the gracious fuck. PS: the hypnotist part of Pitch is really something. "Now hold on a minute there, do you realize what you've just said? ...What comes first, thought or fact? ...From, now, on." Kenny your life is very interesting and you've done a lot of great work that I love to watch & appreciate. FunfunfunFUnFUNFUFNFun!! hahaha!