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Filming more new cummentaries with Sebby! 




Love this! Maybe shoot these in your basement where you have the Mary statue and other kvs memorabilia setup? That’s be fkn cool. Also I like the idea of you and Sebby doing the live stuff without spencer. You and sebby riff off each other well. Your banter is fun, light and really contributes to the content. Spenny decides to take ppls insults deeply personal and stifles the flow of the live streams. Not to mention the awkward tone he blankets over the entire broadcast when he becomes dramatic and wants to walk off and insult people that are simply trying to get a rise out of him for entertainment and he bites hook line and sinker lol. If he was really listening to his “therapists” he would have lightened up a bit more by now. I’m sure deep down he’s a good dude (🤞🏻) but getting up there in age without learning self control is a damn waste haha anyway I’ve talked too much. Adderall RULES! 😂

Spenny's Grandsonson

Don’t shoot it in spennys basement! It is a horror scene and makes Jeffrey dahmers apartment look like Barbieland!