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Mike Hunt

Ok Mr Rick Bonney more like Dick Lonely hah fucken gottem right there

Spenny's Grandsonson

Ya spenny fans are so cringey. Seriously if you are a spenny fan you are fucked up. Especially after the show kenny turned out to be a nice guy helping him feed his starving kids, even after he saw how he acted in the bible episode

Spenny's Grandsonson

Kenny can you talk more about how spennys family rapes the new born son as a family unit? Spennys penis is too small and I was too young to remember but I remember you saying it on the Imamate commentary 😂😂😂😂😂

Jim Nadeau

It was Kenny in Toronto at the Bear and Dog. Years before I did meet Alan Thicke and his Miss Universe new bride but that was merely a handshake at the airport when they arrived in Kelowna. Fart in the wind compared to meeting the guy who made me and my buddies laugh our fucking asses off for years on end. It was fucking EPIC just to meet him. Introduced him to my girlfriend at the time and he was so polite so I was like, what the fuck is this shittt!!! Heard some stories about him throwing digs and being rude to someone's significant other and I kinda wish he had spit on that bitches' Shoes or something at least! Very cool to meet you, man!!

Trevor B. Morris

I make this comment a ton on the K vs S origi sl and 4K videos but this is the first on here. In 2020 had just lost my job of nearly 20 years,9days shy, and for some reason i remembered the STAY AWAKE episode i had eatched in like 02. So i googled the show and wham like All 89 episodes(yes Sebby 89) were all on Youtube. When i say dark place i mean Darker than Spenny in his Klan outfit. I was planning out how i would end , selling my belongings, making sure everyone close knew my feelings and gratefulness for them. I gave myself i think a weeks time for the situation to become better, and on my sisters grave i started watching Kenny vs. Spenny. I binge watched it and i laughed. myself out of depression. What really really got me out of my funk was the F.A.R.T and Imitate. So please excuse my improper spelling and sentence/paragraph structure but....I WANT TO MEET ....Kenneth Joel Hotz. Spenny dont feel left if i see you holding your Will Blow Cock for Food...ill throw you some crumbs. Anywho Kenny thank you again for saving my life and honesty giving me another chance to love again. Grateful,. Trevor Morris