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Concert was one of the first episodes that I truly loved! being able to use children to destroy Spencer was one of my favourite moments of the series. Him on stage without his band trying to explain the song to the judges is pure platinum. Enjoy.




spenny looks just like chris moltisanti with down syndrome with those sunglasses

Jack AG

That shot of Spenny walking away with all the kids cheering in the background might be my favourite shot in all of KvS it's so perfect lmao.

John Roth

If all the physical copies of Don’t Forget the Children are located and brought to the KvS house it creates a portal to Hell


This is one of the best starters episodes when I show KvS to others. It is not that edgy to scare people off, but it also portrays the beauty of your guys' relationship. On top of that it actually has a compelling storyline, that is understandable for the average joe. Usually after this episode I go into "First one to talk loses" as this episode also catches that vibe and people can witness Spenny winning. Then I transition to "Who can be blindfolded the longest" to show your sadistic side and when people still find that comedy appealing, then we getting to good stuff. Great way to introduce people to the show imo. I also felt that cry at the end, I can only image how much this show means to you Kenny, because it is indeed a masterpiece and creating such a masterpiece after years and years of work must be an amazing life acomplishment. What else is there to reminize about in the last days in your life besides love you felt and laughs you had? True Comedy is one of the greatest things in life and it actually brings so much benefit to people you cant even imagine. Helped my in my hardest times. You and Spenny are awesome!