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Hello everyone, as some of you may have seen on twitter, all my disc drive containing all my work has been wiped out. The cause? That's not important, and I would appreciate if you didn't ask. 

I have miracolously saved like, 490 pictures of the story, literally a miracle because I had my photoshop open with the pictures when it happened. So it's like 50% or less recovered.

What does this mean?

Well first of all I am so fucking pissed I could break a wall with a single kick Shiroi-style, but instead of breaking my bones I decided to redirect that anger and decide to start over again. In case you are wondering, YES I have tried A LOT to recover the files, but they are just not recoverable, dead and gone so I am downloading a backup copy I did on the 27th of August.

What was lost besides this chapter's content?

Succubus Summer Games Part 3. All of it, pictures, saved scenes, etc. Thankfully, this was a free story and it's already on MEGA for everyone to enjoy.

What can YOU do?

Do NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT feel sorry for me, or start saying "Oh no, I'm so sorry this happened." because it will make me even more frustrated. If you want to help me, if you really want to give me motivation to continue, cheer me! Tell me to go on! Tell me that I can do it! Shout to me that this was just a big fucking painful ass that I encountered on the road! But please, do not feel sorry for me and do not try to help me, I have tried my best, and it wasn't possible to fix it.

What happens now?

I start over. I have some pictures that will guide me and show me what I did previously, so it might not take that much time, but it will still take time to do it all over again.

How long will this take?

Unknown, as far as I know I could just break down and cry for three days, but I am so angry right now that I dont even want to think about it. 

SO my final words for this post is... Help me, cheer me during this next week. I will have this project done by the end of next week. Lyra's Chronicles was planned to be done this month, but seeing how things are, I am not sure if I'll be able to do it.

Thank you for understanding, and thank you for your (mental) support!


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