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Hello everyone! In the past months, I've had around 7 pending commissions. These commissions are the "free" commission from subscribing to the highest tier "Alice Tier"/"Fully Corrupted" tier in Fanbox. But I have one problem that can't be solved.

The problem is that I don't have time.

Every time I finish a main story, or a monthly, or a side story, I require some rest. Some rest to disconnect and have some "me" time, and if I start doing commissions in my free time, I won't have time to rest at all. But that's not everything. Having the thought in my head that there are still 7 people waiting for me to do their commissions makes me feel a bit bad. They are waiting, so I should do the commissions, but I don't have the time.

After weeks of thinking about it, I have reached the conclusion that I will have to remove that perk from the highest tier. I prefer to prioritize my well being and the quality of future content, rather than the commissions that I need to do for people who subscribe to the highest tier.

Why did you put that in the first place?

I'm going to be honest with you, I never thought I get this far, and I had the idea that some people might be interested in subscribing if a free commission would be juicy to get more people. But since I can't manage to make a story with less than 100 pages, this is for the best.

What if I have already contacted you for the commission info?

You don't have to worry about that. The people who have contacted me and have already been notified about the information of the commission, those will be made... Some day, don't know when, but I'll still think about them.

What if I haven't contacted you but I've been supporting in that tier?

With a heavy heart I must say that I can't accept the commission, I'm sorry. If anyone feels disappointed and wants a refund, I have no problem in providing that or attempting my best to give a refund.

What will the difference be with your content after this decision?

Well, as you may know I am doing free content constantly, on summer the Summer Succubus Games, on Halloween the Horse Training and so on. The more time I have for myself to enjoy some leisure time, the more ideas and motivation I'll have to make free content like that. (Also, your fan power is like super energizing for me, so keep doing that!)

Will you change the price of the highest tier because of this?

I always believed that everyone who subscribed to me was because they liked my content. Yes, the uncensored edition is also nice, but whether you subscribe or not, you will always be able to read my content. That being said, I will NOT change the price, nor make it more expensive or cheaper, the price will stay the same.

When will this take effect?

Immediately, once this has been posted on all channels that I use.

Thanks a lot for taking your time to read this, it's very important that everyone understands the situation and acknowledges that this is for the best for everyone and myself.

And once again, thank you for your support! Any questions you may have, feel free to ask on the comment section, I'll gladly answer them.



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