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Greetings, Settlers of Ceinov fans! We're thrilled to announce the release of version 5.8, and it's a game-changer in every sense of the word. With this latest update, we've added a plethora of new features and improvements that will immerse you even deeper into the enchanting world of Ceinov. So, grab your virtual backpacks, and let's dive right into the exciting changes this update brings!

Interactable System

In version 5.8, we've completely revamped the Interactable System. It's now more dynamic and versatile than ever before. What does this mean for you as a player? Well, brace yourselves for a more interactive and engaging gameplay experience.

Slot Claiming

One of the standout features of this update is the Slot Claiming system. You'll now have the ability to interact with and claim various slots within the game world. This newfound power adds a whole new layer of strategy and resource management to your survival journey.

Interactable Props Galore

The world of Settlers of Ceinov is now populated with even more realistic elements. You can now interact with Props such as Beds, Bunk Beds, Ovens, and Fridges. These props not only enhance the immersion factor but also play a crucial role in your character's survival and comfort.

New Stats, Needs, and Attributes

Version 5.8 introduces a plethora of new Classes for stats, needs, and attributes. These enhancements allow for a more nuanced and complex character development system, giving you greater control over your settlers' destinies.

Dynamic Interact Animations

Get ready to be wowed by the Dynamic Interact Animations. Every interaction in the game now feels more lifelike and responsive, bringing you closer to the characters and the world they inhabit.

AI Gets Smarter

Our AI has been busy in the workshop too! With the new AI task schedule and basic routine, settlers now mimic more realistic behaviors. They can eat, drink, and even take a well-deserved rest. It's a game-changer in how you perceive and interact with the NPCs in Ceinov.

Improved UI

We've listened to your feedback and revamped the user interface. The Needs UI has seen significant improvements, making it easier than ever to keep track of your settler's well-being.

Survival Essentials

In Settlers of Ceinov version 5.8, you'll have more control over your character's survival. You can now sleep to replenish energy, drink to satisfy your thirst, and eat to keep hunger at bay. It's all about mastering the art of survival in this open world.

Explore the Grasslands

Venture into the breathtaking Grassland Map, a new addition to Ceinov. It's a vast, open space ripe for exploration and settling. Uncover its secrets, conquer its challenges, and make it your home.

Navigation Made Easy

We've introduced a Map System with a handy Minimap, making navigation through the sprawling world of Ceinov a breeze. Dynamic Map Icons help you pinpoint key locations and events, ensuring you never miss out on exciting opportunities.

Tutorial Menu

New to Settlers of Ceinov? Don't fret! Our Tutorial Menu is here to guide you through the game's mechanics, ensuring that you have a smooth start to your adventure.

With version 5.8, Settlers of Ceinov is evolving into an even more immersive and captivating open-world breeding simulation survival game. These changes represent a significant step forward in our commitment to providing you with the most engaging and realistic experience possible.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Ceinov once more and let version 5.8 take your gaming experience to new heights. Stay tuned for more updates and keep surviving, settlers!

Download Settlers of Ceinov Version 5.8 Now

Stay connected with us on our official forums and social media for the latest news, tips, and community discussions.

See you in Ceinov, fellow settlers!




The link here above marked "5.8" contains a folder named "5.7". Which version is it actually? Btw, for a single person project, it still looks pretty impressive already.


Are you sure? it's supposed to redirect to the 5.8 file hosted on MEGA Thanks for the compliment!


@Jasmeria it is Settlers of Ceinov Version 5.8 if you member here