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I still can't fathom the number of supporters in here.

I'm glad you joined my Patreon. 🧑

I figured i could draw a quick chubby Ashley and also write about what's going on lately, so here ya go:

An update.

I love drawing. I think you can tell. Though, i've been pushing myself a bit too much with my craft- resulting in me not being able to deliver in time. I love challenging myself too and i've managed to stay put with irl, college and Patreon.

The thing is, i do need to take it down a notch. I'll figure a way to keep the quality and avoid delays without punishing myself. I'm writing this because i had to rest my wrist today. It's not hurting but it definitely needs a break.

July will have a change of pace. Nothing bad, really. I'll exchange my online interaction time for time to draw withouth pressure. You can expect 3 comic pages on July and a bunch of new art i've been working on. Commissioners will also have their stuff delivered :)

The backlog of unfinished drawings is also concerning. it's HUGE. Like 8 drawings or so, all of them are past the flat color stage. and i'm not talking about comms.

So, thank you guys for being here and for staying here. To those wondering about the Marin Kitagawa WG Sequence, i'll post it on Sunday. It has a lot of detail because of the clothes. It was super fun, though.

For those who have cancelled or need to, no worries, you'll receive the piece through your Patreon DM's.

And know that your support encourages me to keep going and posting the comic. I'm excited to develop the story visually.

Thank you guys for reading me, have a good one!





Definitely cause to celebrate! 😁 well deserved. Know yourself and know your limits β€” be sure to take care of yourself πŸ‘β˜ΊοΈ


What a fucking scam this is. There's like three things here that arent for free on DA. Early comic my ass


Thank you for your opinion. As the creator, there's plenty of content here in Patreon that isn't on socials, with more being added monthly. I can't post everything in one sitting because drawing takes time. You're free to leave if you think this is a scam πŸ‘‹