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Not gonna lie, i've been afraid of coming here and expressing what's been going on lately.

As some of you know and i've mentioned at times, i'm wrapping up college soon (yay!)

But that also means i'm very busy with my thesis and my final career project, since i study arts, it takes a lot of time and energy personally.

I know i haven't been able to deliver as i should for the past two months or so... and i'm deeply sorry.

I've been designing and rethinking ways to interact with you guys -and all over Toasty's socials- but i just can't find the time to do so. I also got a minor back injury at the beginning of the month due to being on the PC more than 12h a day. Walking the dog and going to the gym only gets you so far lol. All of that being said, though... i won't be this absent for long.

 Good thing is, by September i shall be mostly done with the heavy (heh) tasks, and everything will continue as planned before all of this.

I have to admit i won't be able to be as active on July, nor August- Though i'm working hard on the specials in my free time since i love sharing bikini gals with you all and it's become a tradition. That also means i'm just taking my time. I can't meet the deadlines for the comic as of now, but i will post whenever i finish a new page, and once everything is back on track, i'll let you all know.

To those who have waited for the comms, Thank you too. I'll make sure to deliver in terms of quality since you guys have waited for a while now.

And general Patreon rewards shall continue- I'm posting the suggestion box soon after this for the Burger Tier.

All of the above will be posted on my socials in a summarized way, and if you've read through all of it, i just wanted to say thank you.

For sticking around, for giving me feedback, critiques, complimenting my work. I'm aware. Truth is, thanks to you guys i bought my very first iPad last year and it has helped with the workflow here and it's been a life-saver for me as a student. And thanks to you, i also managed to pay some strong bills for a while, such as college.

I just know it takes two to get here, and i wouldn't be here without you.

You guys will always be welcomed here- no hard feelings from my side.

There's more Toasty for a while, so thank you for holding on!



Nicolas Arnold

I'm sorry to hear about your back injury, and hope you feel better soon. I understand about your thesis and career projects. Having been a student myself, I know that college is time consuming at the best of times, never mind when major projects are under way. I'm rather looking forward to seeing what pops from the toaster (if you'll pardon the joke) next! Get well soon, Toasty, and good luck with your projects!


One must imagine Toasty happy doing college assignments. (Nice joke lmao i'mma save that one) And really, Thank you Nicolas! Always a pleasure.

That Guy

Broken record here, but you've said the Loba sequence has been very close to completion for a while, any chance that it will be released soon?


I'm currently debating on when to upload it, but yes. Thank you for your patience That Guy!