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Hey all, got some new thumbnails for the new comic today. I started a new type of work process with this one where really all I did was change my brush settings, however the results are pretty different. In the past I’ve always done thumbnails and sketches with a pencil brush and don’t bring out the pen until multiple revisions have been done and I’m on the final inking stage. For this comic in particular I realized I was going to do a lot of night scenes so I tried sketching in ink just to give myself a better idea of what the final process would look like. Sketching with ink really let me focus more on shape and negative space in the early stages so if you’ve never tried it before it’s a really interesting practice, I recommend it!

I used the default ink pen in Procreate for these thumbs by the way, although if anyone is interested in the main brush I always use for all my finished work it’s the Smooth Natural brush from True Grit Supply. The Smooth Natural tapers nice and it’s only slightly rough around the edges so it always looks pretty natural to me. It’s a very versatile brush overall.

…. I swear I’m not paid by True Grit for saying any of this! 😅

One last thing about the actual story of this comic, if it’s not clear already this story takes place in the past well before Jan ever met Amy, I was wondering if this story needed a bookend of sorts like Someone I Used To Be but it’s not a dramatic story so I am not sure yet if it needs one. Stay tuned for more!




Oh shit!! I’m looking forward to this