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Hey ya’ll, I took a few days to constantly evaluate my color choices on this comic, going back and forth multiple times and even re-applying flats in order to get things correct with everything and in the end it seems I more or less ended up really close to where I started. It’s good that I did take the time to actually think it over at the end of the day though because if I had been a bit hastier I would’ve uploaded this comic with some really ill-fitting red colors and it would be kind of a mess. I know there’s a perfectionist inside of me to some degree, but really I always try and stop myself from posting something as soon as it’s finished no matter how excited I am because if I sleep on it and come back the next day there’s always something to change about it. The real development though is realizing when you should stop editing and finish something so you can move onto the next idea.

Anyways, that’s just a little food for thought. I hope you like this comic actually! I have an idea for this month’s comic I’d really like to start on right away, but I’m always excited to hear what kind of stuff you all would like to see next. Suggestions are always fun.

Thank you all for the continued support!



Carlos Cuenca

Ahhhh this is so much better than I expected!!


I freaking love this. Like great work man