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::Update - Thursday April 15::

Added some new concept sketches for young April. I’m hoping her intended personality is showing enough in these sketches, but I’m envisioning her as kind of a funny, slightly airheaded person but not in a dumb way, if that makes sense? I’m still working on thumbnails right now and am hoping to post them soon. :)


I’ve been doing a lot of preliminary character sketching on Disco Flashback recently, mainly with the modern versions of some of the characters; June and her mom April. Since the story is a literal flashback, we first start in the present, where due to some unfortunate circumstances, June has had to move back in with her parents. This is where I thought it’d be cool to redesign June’s look slightly to reflect her regression to freeloader mode, although it was kind of difficult to make her look more casual than usual since that’s kind of her thing. Her mom April on the other hand has the look of a classy and fashionable gal, so it’s hard to see them as related at all. I am still working on her younger version right now and I’m trying to nail a final design, she’s also going to be wearing more outfits overall.

One major thing I’ve found with this comic as I continue to write and plot it out is that there is going to be a lot more characters than usual, and as it stands it is looking to be fairly decent in length. I’m still working on thumbnails so my estimate may be off but it’s looking to be around 30-40 pages perhaps? I think it’s going to take me 2 months to fully finish this comic, similar to Someone I Used To Be. I am still debating if I should try and split it up into two posts or just all at once, Someone I Used To Be conveniently happened to have a cliffhanger right around the middle which made splitting it easier to read, we’ll have to see what Disco Flashback is like.

There’s a ton of new characters in this comic I’m excited to show you guys too, I’ll be updating this thread with more concept art as they get finalized, and I want to have thumbnails up by tomorrow as well. I’ll have lots of WIP stuff in general for this project to post. As always thank you guys so much for the support! I’m forever grateful!




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