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Hello everyone! Hope you’re all having a good weekend. First off I want to extend a thanks to the newest patrons who just joined up this month. Hopefully you will enjoy your time here, I’m still fairly new to running a Patreon but my goal is to spend time each month to make improvements and hopefully change things around in ways that makes you guys feel like you’re glad you decided to subscribe.

I’d like to thank everyone who enjoyed reading Flower Shop. I think it was a really cool little story and there was a lot of aspects that made me feel like I was improving at my comic workflow. Don’t be afraid to let me know if you want to see these characters return again for another story, I am always down to write new stories for any of my old characters as long as I can come up with an interesting scenario. I think ideally what I’d like for my comics to be for now is less of an ongoing narrative and more self-contained short stories that you can read without needing to know any character history. I would like to eventually do another big comic story similar to Someone I Used To Be that would take multiple months to finish but at least for this month I’m planning for a new story around the same scope as Flower Shop (Between 10-15 pages).

Next up is the winner from last month’s poll, which was Fujiko by a hair (Sorry Prof Ivy fans). I feel like if I’ve made a poll with such close contenders then I’ve probably designed it well in some regards, but anyone currently a patron of any tier please go over to this months poll if you want to see a literal stomp haha.

There are a few things for next month I think I want to change around in terms of polls. First of all I think I’m going to increase the amount from 1 poll a month to 2 with the amount of time the poll stays active decreased to about a week instead of staying up all month. I noticed the majority of votes on each poll on average are made within the first few days anyways and this means you guys will get double the drawings. I’m also thinking of making each poll limited to only 4 options each so the minority votes aren’t spread as thin. Lastly I was thinking of having one poll be all male characters and one be female, I do actually enjoy drawing male focused stuff almost as much as female if not more in some ways, and I feel kind of bad that the female options in the poll always dominate, although it’s not surprising really.

Anyways, let me know if you have any strong feelings about those changes, I hope they are good and not controversial for some reason. Since I’ve already gone and posted a poll for next month I can do two things, either do up a second poll halfway through May for the other character or just draw whoever gets second place in the current poll. If you have a preference comment below! I think I’ll do the same for this month too, either draw Prof Ivy for the second half of the month since she got second place or I’ll do a new poll with 4 new characters.


One thing I’d like to do more of is posts about my artistic process if there is interest in it. I did a really simple post awhile back detailing how I usually do the lettering in my comics. I’d like to do more posts like that, I just am not sure yet what subjects to go over. If you have anything you’d like me to explain in a post lemme know! I may do one about how I choose colors in my comics, for example.

So yeah, basically I am looking forward to everything coming up in the next months. I just today found out that you can edit posts and send out notifications of such to your patrons so going forward I’m going to be confining WIP and progress updates on comics and artwork to a single thread, hopefully this’ll make my timeline look a lot cleaner for new people interested in looking back on my old posts. I’ll be posting a pitch thread up soon to decide what comic I’ll be working on next as usual so if there’s anything you’d like to see let me know!

Lastly, I plan on organizing a sort of deluxe version of Someone I Used To Be for release in a few weeks and I’m thinking of a few things to include in it like new character art, sketches and concept stuff. If there’s anything you think would be cool for me to throw in there also let me know!

That’s it for tonight! Apologies for the enormous post but I feel like something like this at the beginning of each month to sort out details is necessary. Hopefully next month’s will be much shorter! Thank you again so much for the support!





You’ve been doing an amazing job running the patreon so far! You’re giving good content, the ideas are pretty nice and interesting. Character designs are really pleasing so nice work! And for the polls, thats honestly a good idea. It sounds more fair and can cater to many people. As long as you have fun with it, go for it! 🤍