Someone I Used To Be - Pages 1-6 WIP (Patreon)
Hello patrons! Here’s my first post and I’m really excited to share the WIP pages of my new comic.
I really want to post here often and share with you guys as much as possible, giving you some insight as to how I make comics! It‘s my hope that anyone looking to make comics on their own possibly learns something from my ramblings here. Anyways, let’s get started!
When I start a new project, I already have in my mind a concrete idea for what the story is going to be about, but I want to still allow for some improvisation. When I start drawing out the layouts I work very linearly, allowing the story to flow and become as long as it needs to. Sometimes I come up with good ideas as I go and for me that’s exciting to be able to include things on the fly.
So with this comic specifically we’re starting out with Jan and Amy moving into their new apartment. I want to tease the viewers with a bit of impromptu sexiness before the next part of the story changes into more character driven drama.
At the time of writing this I can’t actually say how long this comic is going to end up, but I think it’ll probably be released in two parts spanning about two months of production. It’s going to be a bit of a change for how I do things but I plan on posting all of my progress here, so if you’re on the Friend With Benefits tier you can see just how much I’m putting into this! I’ll also be doing posts highlighting specific techniques and going over aspects of production so look out for those soon! Think of them like little tips and tricks sections.
Anyways this post is long and I really just wanted to have something up here for when I start advertising this account at the end of the day but please enjoy and if you’re reading this that means you’ve become a patron of mine and I really truly appreciate your support. It’s my intention to make you feel like it’s worth your while!