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Could you imagine seeing someone in this at the beach?! luckily no one is around!

I recently learned how to use "proxies" to help with shading the face better. What are proxies you may ask? A proxy is a simplified mesh to control the way light affects a certain part of the body. Here I've used a proxy mesh to simplify the shape of the head when hit with light. I may or may not keep it depending how it looks in other situations.

I'm really starting to consider making Chloe in 3D soon! as I think her and Kayla would make the perfect match together 



Kazu (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-30 22:41:24 Kayla looking cute as always <3
2021-07-20 07:50:40 Kayla looking cute as always <3

Kayla looking cute as always <3


Gorgeous ❤️