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2:12 AM: going back for more US Military courtroom drama

A decorated Vietnam war veteran orders his squad to fire on an unarmed crowd of protestors outside the US embassy to Yemen. But what if it was cool and fine for him to do it? Tommy Lee Jones will stop at nothing to prove that the crowd had weapons also and that every arab is part of a vast anti-american conspiracy to make Our Boys feel and look bad. This film is one of the most shockingly racist films I've ever seen,

Joining us is the wonderful K.D. from the War_Takes twitter account!






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Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:  https://www.tomallen.media/

Kill James Bond is hosted by November Kelly, Abigail Thorn, and Devon. You can find us at https://killjamesbond.com




I was kinda on the fence about November's changed-during-production idea, but the Chinese Fight Club ending *really* doesn't make sense if that's not what happened.


Chinese Fight Club, where the one rule is you can only talk about it by manipulating symbols you don't understand.


oh, if I can suggest a movie: Cloak and Dagger (1984)! A "kid spy" movie about a boy and a girl trying to keep a video game away from bad guys. The boy has a tux-wearing spy for an imaginary friend! The game contains a hilarious schematic that must be kept secret! No one's recruiting minors for their covert organization but the bad guys certainly don't seem to know that and do not hold back.

Ronin Fredricson

I feel like running back to fetch the flag is like equivalent to somtimes in movies when someone saves a child from a burning building and the kid is like "Wait! Charlie is still in there!" and the hero runs back and re-emerges and it turns out Charlie was a stuffed animal.

Ronin Fredricson

also disappointed nobody said "A Guy I'd love to Pearce"