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Its the final episode of Season 2, and we decided to watch one more Stallone movie just to say goodbye to the big fella himself- And what better than Demolition Man?

We recorded this one at the end of four hours of continuous podcasting and we were all insane and variably inebriated. Enjoy!



SAG-AFTRA and the WGA are both on strike for a number of reasons, from pay for streaming residuals, to the rights to own your own appearance, to the right to not have AIs trained off your work.

So if you've got a few spare pennies, why not chip in to help keep movies from becoming Shit Forever.



And if you're in the UK, the UCU could still do with some help




Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:  https://www.tomallen.media/

Kill James Bond is hosted by Alice Caldwell-Kelly, Abigail Thorn, and Devon. You can find us at https://killjamesbond.com and https://twitter.com/killjamesbond




Listening at work and the Wesley Snipes apartment bit had me laughing so hard that I had to pull my truck off to the side of the road.


I loved the episode, one day I hope you guys check out Masaaki Yuasa's Ino-Oh its just beautiful


Please never coordinate what version of movies you guys watch because if you did we would never know of the pizza cut


Tears in my eyes from laughing listening to the pizza hut/taco bell/Mandela effect segment 🫡

G Goldhar

"Jet fuel can't melt steel beams but you know what it can melt? MG Exia Dark Matter. Loved that fucking thing...."


talking about the personal connection to 9/11 thing, I'm getting bottom surgery on 9/11 this year and I plan to make a lot of jokes about it

G Goldhar

hey nice, my mom's getting her new leg then and I said it'll be nice to see you standing again and then cast a wistful gaze to the ceiling 'Unlike those towers...'


I hope you enjoyed this brief mention of the Torment Nexus, cause it will not be reappearing


Seattleite here - the only thing that will kill you here are falling trees and branches in our very frequent wind storms. People worry about tsunamis and then jog through a forest in 60mph winds 😑😑😑


Where did you get the verbal morality act voicelines from?


Is there any chance you can be convinced to watch "Once Were Warriors" in a bonus episode?

Emily Kugler

Love this. If we hadn’t need the season of solidarity, I was going to recommend his comedy of manners/period price Oscar but this is perfect


The ace/aro version of sex I knew we always needed lol. No kissing + emotional intimacy? Sign me the fuck up *swear buzzer🚨 noise


Watched this film a couple months ago with some friends and I swear the VR sex is stated to be a product of the AIDS crisis, unless I’m misremembering. Like the implication is that the crisis got so bad that physical sex, and indeed physical contact on a wide scale, was outlawed?


Plastic suit is a violation of the fashion morality statute