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"Before you embark on a rampage of revenge, you must first dig fifty to sixty tunnels" - Alice Caldwell-Kelly

It's Rambo again, but this time they turn their profoundly racist attention to the nation of Mexico. Content warning for discussion of sexual assault, human trafficking.

Before you donate to the strike funds below, consider throwing some money towards
Red Nacional de Refugios, a charity that runs a number of shelters for abused women and children, and
Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans A. C. , a trans rights charity.



SAG-AFTRA and the WGA are both on strike for a number of reasons, from pay for streaming residuals, to the rights to own your own appearance, to the right to not have AIs trained off your work.

So if you've got a few spare pennies, why not chip in to help keep movies from becoming Shit Forever.

And if you're in the UK, the UCU could still do with some help



Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:  https://www.tomallen.media/

Kill James Bond is hosted by Alice Caldwell-Kelly, Abigail Thorn, and Devon. You can find us at https://killjamesbond.com and https://twitter.com/killjamesbond




Am I having a stroke or didn't Rambo go to Mexico in one of the other ones?


this is probably one of those "realized right after ending recording" situations but i wanted to say: tijuana is a coastal city and monterrey is inland; regardless, gabriela probably went to puerto peñasco, which is on the gulf of california like an hour away from the us/mx border and a very common tourist destination for arizonans who want to swim

Brian Danger Hicks

I watched (the short version of) this prior to listening and I caught at the start of the credits it listed a helicopter pilot and hikers and I was very confused because I didn't remember any of that. So thanks, Abi, for accidentally watching the wrong version and solving that mystery for me.


Any hip hop from Arizona was written by a guy named Kyle who lives in fountain hills

Ember Aegle

You know Rambo 6 is going to be a prequel showing him during the Vietnam War that will finally answer the question "where did Rambo get his iconic bandana?"


Dude decided that, as he had retired to Arizona, he was gonna build 100 tunnels to practice warfare against the tunnel rats from First Blood


1:25:02 you right you right .... sooo how about a new rocky movie then ?


I would pay real, hard currency to see Toddler Terror starring Devon


Ok, this comment is for a very specific audience, but I have a feeling that Devon at least might be part of that audience: one of the very few things I dislike about The One Ring, the Lord of the Rings RPG - and it's a big one - is that a supplement LITERALLY has mechanic to cure PTSD by being racist. (There's also a mechanic to cure PTSD by forging knives, but that one's fine.)


I would have hooted and hollered if Gabrielle's mom was Mexican and dad was American, and she said "I need to go to Hope, Washington." "Why would you want to do that?"