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They fucking.... they fucking made the same movie again. I'm going to issue an actionable threat of violence against named persons

This is it guys, with the conclusion of the Jason Bourne Miniseries we are truly at the end of KJB Season 1. It's been an incredible journey, from nothing to the apple podcasts #1 film review podcast in the UK, to over a million downloads within a year is an insane pace and we're so truly grateful for you for coming with us on this adventure.

Alice, Abi, and Devon Will Return

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Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:  https://www.tomallen.media/

Find us at https://killjamesbond.com and https://twitter.com/killjamesbond



Peter Paul Rubens' Muse

Clipping Abi saying "That's not true, you've got gundams!" in that warm, encouraging voice to listen to whenever I'm feeling sad


I've said it before but I think the Transformers franchise has a lot to say about the US military complex, masculinity, and ridiculous levels of cultural insensitivity all wrapped up in a very explodey package. And it brings the "why are these cars being sexual" themes back from Cars 2 and Planes 2.

Slazenger Kincaid

The "it's Jason Bourne" line is still less annoying than every single British actor quizzically saying "Harry POTTER?!"


Pleeease do Kiss Of The Dragon with Jet Li


Jason Bored


For an interesting take on masculinity you could look at the Tora-san series of movies


The CIA director/DEFCON thing may seem implausible, but defcon did at some point manage to have the NSA director give the keynote

Mark Hardgrove

Have you seen the made for tv Bourne Identity starting Richard Chamberlain and Jaclyn Smith, late 80s early 90s I want to say


mayo identified


I'd absolutely love to see the Mission Impossible franchise sprinkled in to Season 2 - they might actually be a little too bland to be the main topic, but especially the newer ones have some phenomenal action scenes, and it's always fun to talk about Tom Cruise.

Cate Kneale

I need a tshirt that says "do not internalise the panopticon" so that I remember not to internalise the panopticon.


DEFCON 20 in 2012. Only time I've been. Less than a year before Snowden confirmed the NSA deliberately backdoored Dual_EC_DRBG. Keynote by the director who oversaw that whole fiasco.


You could just call it the SHCUM system to fit homophobia in, claim it’s a tribute to Sean Connery

Minika Wildflower

I do, in fact, know his name (Jason Bourne)