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Okay, so Roger Moore's major role before Bond was in a tv series called The Saint, and he consistently attempted to reboot the show throughout his waning years. This Val Kilmer vehicle is one such attempt.

Note: There's no Jazz outro in this one because I thought it was funnier to cut it out like this. Thanks for understanding

We are accepting pre-orders for a new shirt design until the end of the day on August 15th, 2021 -- get it here!

*WEB DESIGN ALERT* Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:  https://www.tomallen.media/

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Jon, it hurts

I speak russian and when I was a kid there was this other kid at my school who kept trying to convince me I was speaking russian wrong bc their dad taught them some russian, and they would tell me how to say various things in russian and it was just completely incomprehensible. alice was that you, was i the kid that compromised your russian speaking claims. to be fair you did successfully gaslight me a bit I really started to wonder if my russian was wrong, until i asked my parents and they reassured me that it wasnt


With the way Marvel played their "Mandarin" card, I think it's better that Ben Kingsley took the role of the buffoon decoy actor Mandarin. That comedic twist to the Mandarin would not have fit that Ten Rings warlord man very well. Great episode friends! Enjoying your work!


that alternate ending wasn't just in the original script, it was the version of the film they originally shot! it got far enough along in post-production for snippets to turn up in trailers and promotional material before poor test screenings made the studio demand it be scrapped and re-shot. so all the footage exists, but none of it has turned up as DVD extras, nor has a copy of the early workprint turned up on internet backchannels btw director Phillip Noyce is Australian and i would love to have been in the room when he first heard Val Kilmer's aussie accent

You Bet Your Bippy, I'm Now A Policy Wonk!

Best part of my Wednesday: Waking up and getting a new KJB episode! Worst part of my Wednesday: Realizing just how long I am going to spend imagining what Arnold Schwarzenegger's South African accent would sound like!

Freyr Aloysius

Y'all: Yeah we pretended we were russian as kids to sound more interesting. Me, a Norwegian, who tried to sound scottish in high school: *sweats*


Hahahaha I did the "~pretending to be Russian~" thing in my first shitty call centre job at age 18- I was Vlad, from Kiev to half a dozen people I called until my boss told me to knock it off.

Dave Blanchard

Many many things to love about this bonus episode. But for my money the best bonus bit is Devon's spot on impression of Henning Wehn. Not really sure if that was the intention, but it is just pitch perfect.

Mo Haworth

I never pretended to be Russian as a child, but I did spend most of elementary school with a mild South African accent because my best friend had one and I spent so much time with her and her family. It was not good or convincing and I could not stop.


Up through high school when I would meet someone who I GUARANTEED would not meet again I would pretty regularly speak with any one of a number of accents (Scottish, French, RP, occasionally German) AND ALSO reduce the resonance of my voice and make it a little bit higher (I have longish blond hair) just to make myself seem more interesting and less of a pitiful little worm. Up until, uhhh, a few months ago I would regularly think back on these and be like “yeah the accents were dogshit but it’s really too bad I’m cis, because there was something unreasonably satisfying (one might say downright euphoric) about doing those voices. Probably nothing To introspect on here” Narrator voice: lmao might want to rethink that “Cis” there buddy


Devon's German accent sounds like Tilda Swinton as the psychiatrist in Suspiria

Andrew T. Wilson

I have a very good, but very particular English accent. For reasons that don't bear going into I was practically raised by the BBC World Service, this means that I have an excellent RP, but I sound like a news presenter. I can speak very convincingly about "ongoing conflict in Afghanistan" but would sound very odd if I were asking for a packet of crisps.


Yeah hi, is this where the Conference of Trans People who Pretended to Have Foreign Accents as Kids is taking place? Oh, great! Where do I sign up?

Bryce Connor

Another killer episode! I would love to see you do Ronin and/or Sneakers, two of my favorite 90's espionage movies--phenomenal casts, and I think both would be interesting to look back on as immediately post-Cold War snapshots.


The Rock would be a good movie to do an episode on, purely based on the theory that Sean Connery's character in that is old James Bond.


I don't know if there's enough content in it as it's not a movie, but I'd love you to do an episode on You Only Move Twice (The Simpsons James Bond episode)


His German name sounds like Broom Her Hard and Fast. like some shitty nonce Bond girl name.


I paused the episode and watched the Saint last night cause I'd seen it as a teenager and remember liking it - and I actually really liked it again now, though I'm in a place where I'm craving 90s thrillers for some reason so it could just be that. But more importantly, Tretiak, the villain, is not a socialist as far as I can tell, at all? His speeches are never about any socialist ideas in the slightest, all the rhetoric is about rebuilding Russia's empire, not even Soviet Union. He's an oligarch who wants to turn dictator, which I actually really liked about the movie, cause... Well, yeah, as a Lithuanian I can say that's what populism in Eastern Europe has largely looked like in the last few decades, partly because of the horror of the totalitarianism of the perceived "leftist" regime, which aside from economic policy (which was still built to produce state power, not worker empowerment), was not leftist at all. But I digress - the point is Tretiak clearly wants to own, not distribute, to paint him as a socialist on the podcast was, I thought, inaccurate. One could perhaps say that he's only presented in the film that way to propagandise about socialism, but even then, would it not make more sense to have him link himself to more openly Soviet iconography or rhetoric? I just don't see the socialism, even reading it as propaganda.


Hey, has anyone yet put you guys onto the movie Never Too Young to Die? George Lazenby and John Stamos in a spy movie together. Plus Gene Simmons plays a drag queen/evil mastermind.


26:40 - theres a lot to be said for pretending to speak a language and "refuge in audacity". In the real life Great Escape, one Australian escapee was planning to disguise himself as a Lithuanian worker. The escape organiser was amazed: "you know Lithuanian?!" "I don't", the Aussie replied, "but then I don't suppose the Gestapo bloke will know any either."

just some jal

Glad to see Alex ptak's influence on abi


What's the hardbass song in the drop called? I know it's like, THE meme hardbass song, or at least it was in like 2015, but I can't find the dang thing these days


it’s called Bochka, Bass, Kolbaser and it’s by XS Project


I legit thought that was Tommy Wiseau on the thumbnail.