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Massive content warnings here for discussion of torture, the iraq war, racism, sexual assault.

This week, November and Devon jointly chose for us all to talk about a little movie about Poker and Forgiveness. And the Iraq war. And torture.



Give money to people crowdfunding for passage out of Rafah first and foremost, then purchasing ESIMs, then these links if you feel you need a big name attached to the fund to trust it.
Please don't only donate money. You have to do other things now


Consider joining or supporting Palestine Action. https://linktr.ee/pal_action


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Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:  https://www.tomallen.media/


Kill James Bond is hosted by November Kelly, Abigail Thorn, and Devon. You can find us at https://killjamesbond.com



Damien Tonkin

Um the Palestine action link has expired

Malory McVicker

Fuck. The gray man>trans fem pipeline discussed around minute 40 is brutal to hear put into words. Drive definitely hit my pre transition brain like a bomb.


For what it's worth, "it certainly wasn't good, but it *was* unique" was a *very* understandable way of explaining it, at least for me.

Gilded Dragon

Well There's Your Problem: Gender


I keep needing to re-listen to November carefully explain why she's going to compare the torture portrayed in the movie to her own experience, which is a different thing. A cautious comparison between torture and not-torture, pre-emptively defended because: if the not-torture had been done by a different sort of person, that would have made it torture; and the not-torture left injuries indicative of torture. And also, the not-torture is the same act that is being portrayed as torture in the scene currently under discussion. I just listened to a family member unload decades of bottled up trauma that she's never talked about because it "wasn't that bad" and these two conversations next to each other are forcing me to have an epiphany about how deep that sentiment runs. Feeling like your experience isn't the REAL [bad thing] really is just part of what trauma does to a person, isn't it?

Pat Lee Nichols

i related to both abi and november’s feelings, it was reassuring to hear them spoken out loud by others