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Hello everyone, we have finally released a new version of our game. Due to the fact that we tried to increase the volume of scenes, the output of the version shifted a little, but it seems to us that the result was worth it. We continue to change and improve the version based on your comments.

Added a pool scene with Milly (Friday)

Added a pool scene with Judith (Sunday)

Added a Game Console scene

Ramrod quest continued

Cyril's new quest

Sony's new costume (with scenes)






Not certain if I hit a bug, or if the game is different in this version (haven't played a recent version in a while); Judith's quest in the evening is to the point of watching Porn, but watching porn doesn't advance this. Further, previously at this point in the game I was able to touch her tits in the morning, which completion was required to advance the Porn in the evening. Is something additional now required to unlock touching boobs in the morning, or did my game bug? For additional information, yes, I've unlocked the sex shop (how I can watch porn with Judith), and I've completed Hot Sabotage 3.

Justin Simpson

I'm having some difficulty increasing my psi reserve, hit the point in the story where i am supposed to read books to increase it, but there are no interactable books in the library. So I am very confused, because I have the quest step to irradiate both milly and molly but cant progress them.

Justin Simpson

It will have to be after I get off work


Don't suppose there's a guide? I've hit a point were I don't have any new quests to do so I was wonder if I missed something.