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Winner of the tomboy poll, it's Black Lagoon's badass Revy!

During my research I was inspired by these couple of pieces of Revy in a bath towel. I thought it'd be cool to have her sipping on a beer while she dried, and of course, in Revy fashion, not letting go of her guns (or gun, singular. I decided to do just one. :p).

Speaking of, that's the most detailed gun I've done. I found a great 3D model, and with some guidance I was able to make it look (hopefully) pretty faithful. I hope it looks nice. :>

Not going down without a fight, the bg was a bit of a struggle to make come together. In the end I went with the idea of decay, adding wear and tear to the couch and wall. I think that makes the most sense with that universe, and it helped add visual flavor to the piece. 

Last thing I'd like to point out is I made the soles of her feet lighter than her regular skin tone. It's a detail I've seen and really like, but never do. The method I went with felt not super effective, so I'll have to think of better ways to do it next time. Anyways, I hope it looks nice.

Enjoy. ❤


