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Hi guys!

I had my appointment with the family doc again where I showed her the results of the wrist ultrasound, and explained the situation since last time. She prescribed these two pills to take, I believe she said one was a stronger anti-inflammatory and the other was a muscle relaxant, and said that for the first week to try to stress the hand the least possible, and then after a week I could slowly try to use a pen and see how it feels. So far I'm on day 5, and I'll report back on how that went in the next post.

Then she prescribed some physiotherapy, which is scheduled for the 28th. I'm excited to go there and get the specialist to guide me on what to do next and hopefully finally be done with it.

She also prescribed some spine x-rays and thyroid exams just in case, both of which I've done and am waiting for results. And while I was at it I confirmed some questions I had: that cold hands are no bueno for healing and I should try to keep them warm, and that a diet loaded in vitamin c and protein is good, so I should keep at it.

And those are the health news for now. Things are progressing. Can't wait to be back to normal!

Now, in other news, I had a great idea! While my right hand recovers, I thought it could be nice to work on some advice/tutorial articles. I'd been compiling a list for a while of recurring topics people have asked me about, and things I'd like to make tutorials on, and some of them don't require drawing, so I could put them together one-handed. Today I finished my first article, and it talks about my top advice for beginner artists. It's on my site so it's free for anyone to see. Please give it a look!


What do you think? Are there any topics you'd like me to write about? Here's some of the other ideas I had jotted down.

- Tutorials on: using clipping layers, choosing shadow colors, using vector lineart, etc.
- Pen pressure tips.
- Essential shortcuts.
- Golden rules (possibly a series of posts, talking about various convenient guides I've found for nailing down proportions and features.)
- Tips for fixing face weirdness.
- The advantages of painting with white vs painting with transparency.

And that's it for this update. Thank you for your continued support. Smooches. ❤


Shaun Albert

How about how to draw traps? (Person)


That's a... weird one. Given I've only drawn a trap once, Astolfo, and it boiled down to just drawing a flat chested girl. :p