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Hey guys. As some of you know, I've been dealing with some hand pain recently. I was going through some stuff last month and was depressed and wasn't leaving the house, and I think I put too much strain on the hand by being on the computer so much. I tried to fight it by doing stretches, but I think it got to a point where it was too sore for stretches to help, and they might've actually been making it worse. Of course, hindsight is 20-20, and I didn't think this at the time, so I was still powering through doing half streams and stretching constantly. As it wasn't really getting better, I decided to pause work entirely until I'm better again.

It's never been this bad so I don't know how to give an estimate of when I'll be in good shape again. My hope is I'll be back in shape still this month - I still want to draw a christmas Chinatsu ;w; - but I don't know for sure when that'll happen. I'm doing my best to bolster my diet and give the hand plenty of rest so it can heal itself properly, and hopefully that will do the trick. I've also bought an ergonomic vertical mouse to use when it's better, as I hear that puts way less strain on the hand. If I'm not good soon I'll be hitting the doctor for help.

Unfortunately, this means there will be less patreon things released this month. I only have 3 or 4 pieces that are finished and ready to post, and the sketch pack is probably going to be tiny, and sketch rewards will probably have to be pushed to January's batch. As such, I wanted to apologize for it, and I understand if some of you prefer to lower or pause your pledge, and return when I'm in shape again. ;w;

I also wanted to thank everyone that's given me their well wishes and been so understanding. Sorry I'm such a derp and let it get to this point. I promise I'll take better care of myself.



Your health is most important! Please take care and rest when you can.


Take care of yourself dont go off being reckless take a well deserved break ❤️


Just get better dude.


Here's wishing your hand recovers so you can get back to doing what you enjoy! Thank you for your consistency and hard work, a rest is well-deserved.


You deserve it, you work hard every day. Take your time and heal up. Hope you feel better soon, look forward to seeing you when you get back <3