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I'm surprised I hadn't thought of doing this before. Watermelons are like *the* summer fruit, and I'd done Chibinatsu on a watermelon, but hadn't done the normal Chinatsu with one yet. Now there is one. :3

I really wanted to have the breasts resting on the watermelon. The visual of it wouldn't leave my head. I'm decently happy with how it came out, but I feel like I still have a lot of room for improvement when shading breasts in this sort of angle. 2020 resolutions.

Another nondescript thing I hadn't done much of before is having birds in the back. I should try to add those more often, they're a nice piece of flair.

And on a last one, I'm happy with how her face came out. I love this kind of face. =v=

Enjoy! ❤




Definitely one of my favorite Chinatsus. Good job :)