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As is tradition, Halloween calls for a new Tsuno piece!

Once again I was inspired by Team Ico works, and the idea this time is she's chained up because she's cursed and holds some terrible power that is most volatile during this time of year. The candles and symbols on the floor are part of some spell or ritual to aid in containing the curse. I imagine the guards coming in and tending to her and setting the candles, and then releasing her once its passed. 

 This time I wanted to try playing with the idea of a comfy chained up pose. I know, a bit of an oxymoron, but I wanted to explore it. It was a tough job to not make it look rapey - it kinda comes with the territory when you get chains in the mix - but hopefully it conveys my intention. I always want my girls to look comfy. =w=

I went for a very ambitious lighting composition this time. Not only is there the usual green moonlight, but now there's also all of the candles and the glyphs. There's also more complicated objects and shadows involved. It was a tricky one.

Anyways, that's most of what I wanted to say. Hope you guys enjoy, and have a good Halloween. ❤




This monster girl is kuroonehalf's original character? very sexy belly.