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  • Clean Up - Scene 1 - 1 - Fin.mp4



Watch the fin clip above, read the behind the scene below and download all the clips in the attachement panel!

Previous posts on Hank Ep2 production:




Despite burntout, I manage to finished one section of clean up process! Feel like I relearning how to draw in my own style with this, and it's help gain my strength back!

Clean up sample of Patt's rough drawing. The purpose is to make the character looks on model. The animator gave you the performance and you are polishing the drawings <3

You can watch the rough anim of this scene here.

Clean up process

Just like the animating process. I started with Keys drawing.

This is an exsample for the part where Hank is saying "BIG" only. The keys are only this two frames, beginning and ending.

Then Extreme drawing, or how the we move the pose from key 1 to key 2. In this case, the extreme is showing that Hank is bending himself down and anticipating before spread his arm out.

Breakdown drawings are the connection pose for each drawing before this. You see Hank start screming "BEEg" and the drawing is pushing the whole body and not just hte mouth.

The rest are in-between, where we fill the drawing for the rest of the frames, and secondary animation such as Hank's pointy cheek fluff bouncing or his vest flowing with the motion.


Imma start clean up the rest and hopefully I can finished the whole scene within a month!

- Piti Yindee
