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  • Scene 1-Patreon-PencilTest-Patt.mp4
  • Scene 1-Patreon-PencilTest-OldTest.mp4



Previous posts on Hank Ep2 production:




Alas, the final rough anim for Hank ep 2 has finished!!! Animated beautifully, fludity and so lively by Patt!

Patt rough anim is so clean I can just clean up on it right away haha <3

Above are the first test anim I did wayyy back around May 2023. If you can't see this gif on your mobile app, make sure to chek it on PC browser!

Looking back I might try to adapt the pose into the current one. It has a bit more of extreme feeling to it that I wanna try applied to Patt's rough anim!

All the rough anim are done! Thanks to all the animator for joining in this proj ;_; Just in time when I finished every anim gig too!!

Next, I will do all the clean up, coloring, BG painting and finishing it!

But first, I'm gonna take a week off lol After finishing 2 big gigs and now this, Im burntout (read here) and need sometimes to recover @_@

Can't wait to regain my power and back to do Hank full time! Stay tune!

- Piti Yindee



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