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Ader hands become extra big in second scene! Another 2 scene for Maxi's The Hayseed Knight are done!

Previous posts are here, here and here

The first scene is from the beginning, where Ader seeing his boss, Eina, throwing a dagger at him and he use a box as a shield. This one has only eye blinking and sweating animation and the scene is done <3

Next is the scene after Ader see Sep at the balcony. He trying to reach out to her but (poor boi)

The original composition for this shot. Maxi then present his idea, what if its front facing angle like in the first board from his drawing.

I think its a great idea! This way I dont have to draw and animate much of the pose too lol

Tho it still too much of a blank space around Ader. This scene should represent Ader feeling of pressure and the urge that he cant reach to Sep!

Need to blow him up!


Next is Elbar who's gonna run and hit Ader in the back at the end of this scene.

I only animating Ader at this point so to draw other character for this is making me nervous a bit since I have to learn how to simplify this new cha from Maxi's illustrations.

Luckily he appeared only 2 frames and in motion blur too.


The only change Maxi has request is his nose bridge color. Make the color closer to his fur on his body.

Here they are the bara deer and the noodle boi!

Phew! All the Ader scene are almost done. My friend, Patt, is doing the final scene with 3 characters interaction with each other. I will keep you update.

As for me, I will put this work a rest for couple week. I have a new anim gig to fin within this mont. It's "Night at the Meowseum" by my friend, Misu. @_@ Once that done I will come back to THK and animate the rest of the cast!


- Piti Yindee



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