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  • Inbetween - Patreon.mp4



Previous posts about Patt's Korobushka: Rough, Tie Down

It's done! Once the tie down is done all I have to do is filling the inbetween on each frames. The tricky part is how far away of drawings for each frame are XD

Luckily Harmony has this option that allowed you to move each frame like a canvas to overlay each other, so you can make sure the proportion is right between each drawing.

Once the previous and next frame stack together you can just draw the inbetween drawing on them easily. The right leg of the bear will be slide past the roof that's why it move far away and not inbetween and voila! It's done!

This rook me roughly 1 week to finished this 3 second clip. Way slower than my usual speed but with my condition, I just proud that I manage to make it done <3

Thanks for watching and see you in the next post!

- Piti Yindee
