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Here's the whole Mango comics I made so far. Including 7 unreleased comics!

Scroll gallery above or read the post below to see the idea behind the comics.


I've finished 7 more Mango comics along the way before deciding to cancel it last week in this post.

The reason is inside that post but to make it more cleared. I always wondering on which format should I go for Mango. A 4 panel comic or a full, episodic comic format. In the end I try with 4 panel comics to test, for myself and for the reader.

It was a success and fun! But I don't wanted to spend another 3-4 years doing little 4 panel comic every week until it finally reached the point I wanna tell at the end of the year 5 ever again.

So I decided to canceled it and will spend time develope Mango as a limited series instead. This will be treated like a movie but in comic format with 5-6 episode and that's all for Mango journey <3

I already have a lore written and can't wait to share it with you all!

In the mean time. Here's are the rest of the unreleased comics. Exclusively for your privilage enjoyment <><>


Miss Moi: Introducing the cryptid craze of the Gelato Island <3


Good Boy: Dragons love gold, and green *ka-ching!


Pancakes: This is based on an old sketches. Was gonna be released a week before Christmas.


The Tub!: A set of comics about Mango and Smoothie accidentally become a new monster on the island. These comics are another reason I ended the 4 panel format. It has potential to be a full comic in the future if I want to make it later.


Download all the comics in ULTRA HD FILES in the attachement below <3

The next update will be a plan for next year for this Mango the dragon and the come back of Arthur in The Emperor's New Clothes anim proj. Stay tuned!

- Piti Yindee



Seth Iova

great as always!


after seeing go Woof, she even saw a walking tub with a shiny bubble butt. hehe