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Crunch time is no joke but I still manage to draw some good boi for you. Introducing, Mango the Dragon! I hope you like him <3

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Back in 2020 when I draw Kroko comics (and failed lol) the idea of the comic is always about *SPOILER* this evil cereal company using the exotic animals as their mascots to sell their products. Once that mascot is no longer popular, the mascot got turned into something valuable later. Kroko is one of them and they are hunting him to turn him into a pouch.

Read the comic here: EP1, EP2 and EP3 

Note that Kroko and his freinds are all exotic animals. The Albino kangaroo, the platypus and the hippo. Except the red hair dog lol He just selling hotdogs

There are many times that I think why I don't turn Kroko into a dragon. That will spice things up a bit but I keep grounding my idea to be based on real world and no fantasty elements. So, that idea is gone and Kroko got push back into the shelf.


Fast forward to 2022 I still wanted to do something with Kroko so I started changing some design and theme to be setting on the beach with the same storyline I planning. Entered The Pizza Croc.

I having a lot of fun with the idea being dugged up and refreshing it in the new way, new design, new setting. Butit still bothering me that I keep thinking how cool is that if Kroko is actually a dragon in disguised...

so I did some sketches, with Kroko (now with pants on) with wings.

I failed miserably XD and that made me realized, you can't just put a wings on the crocodile design and called it a dragon!

That made me think, I should've just made this as a new character based on Kroko design elements here and there. So I was researching what made dragon, a dragon.

Not just wings, but horns, ears, and hips (yes, dragon must have hips)!


small waist, wide hips!

I used the old idea of Kroko wearing a tanktop and an exercise pants, this time is a trousers so I dont have to draw much details lol

What should be the color? All my characters are based on foods (Wuffle, Kroko the cereal mascot and Pizza Croc) Then I thinking of Mango yogurt smoothie... He must be named Mango and his color will be yellow!


I changed the tanktop to be this more triangle shaped (the idea is is wide enough and have more room to hide the wings) and make him wearing wristband (like Wuffle) instead of fingerless gloves.

Lastly, I erased those horizontal line on stomach, tail and neck for making him stand out from other dragons, reptiles design.

Everyone. Please welcome, Mango the Dragon <3

the pants is now a baggy type like you see with McHammer in the 90s.

He must have a family member somewhere. An Otter family that live on a bay name Gelato Bay! They will catch fishes and clams and shells on the shore! A normal everyday story of a dragon on a land by the sea!

The orange trousers are for this family business. The Otter doesntt have a name yet but I'll come up with something!

At this point I don't think I'm gonna planning, exploring much of the concept anymore.

I'll just gonna DO IT like when I did Wuffle and see where they take me to, and I hope you gonna like this journey and excite as I am <3

Thank you for reading and see you in the next update!

- Piti Yindee






I'm so excited to learn more about them!!!


Omg, he looks so cool!! 😃 The way you morph your characters designs is amazing!

pitiyindee (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-08 15:18:01 Thankies! Always a fun to design a cha that make you us smile &lt;3
2022-05-29 14:37:00 Thankies! Always a fun to design a cha that make you us smile <3

Thankies! Always a fun to design a cha that make you us smile <3

