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Full gallery, high res pic and PSD raw files will be post for $5-10 and $20 tier later this month.

It's time to finalized Kroko's best friends and partner in crimes: Jing, the beach boxing kangaroo and Otto the hippo detective!

Jing first design is way back in 2019 when he was tall and slim.

The overall concept still the same. A young, energetic kangaroo who love boxong and always look at the bright side. But I need his shaped to be more fun with less langy but with more beach boxing. 

I started sketching with my BF's idea that what if his have a big thigh. Since Muay Thai is using a lot of legs kicking, plus he's a roo. But the thighs are so hard to draw in cartoony form XD

So I did a bunch of sketches just to design the thighs part. 


Voila! The blend of cartoony and realitically details of thighs works! Meet the new design of Jing!

he's shorter now also. With his heigh around 4 head tall. You see I made him wearing a speedo and a black tanktop, like a beach volleybal uniform. At this point I didn't plan further but rather make the colors looks good.

Next is Otto, the hippo. Otto in this version is still a detective, working as a lifeguard of Beach Buns island that taking care of people safety.

In the previous redesign I just gave him a blue hawaiian shirt. It lead to nothing lol He become a tourist and personality is gone. I need to make him more serious, very calculate and more detectivey.

Easier than I thought:

First two sketch of Otto is all I need. A gumshoe detective that so neat he pull his hairback with a ponytail. Wearing a jacket eventho he's on a duty in a hot day at the beach.

And here we have Otto ih his finalized color <3 You see I made him wearing the same color code as Jing. I just thinking it neat if Jing and others are working as a life guard, staff as him with the same color code uniform <3 It's gonna be fun to draw them interact around to each other.

Lastly, I realized I never paint another Kroko pic with the new design. Especially how he looks with his bare butt. So, here's a rage Kroko!

Shiny bums is on the menu!

Here we have all three main characters in their final design!

There are other character along the way but I think I'll stop designing them for now and focusing on starting the comic. 

I hope you like them designs as much as I do <3 See you in the next update!

- Piti Yindee


Pizza Croc and company!
Jing is finished
4 heads tall
Otto final color and design



Lol! As irate as he is in that one pic, Pizza Croc did not waste time polishing his own butt until it sparkled! πŸ˜‚


Looks great man! Can’t wait to see where you go with it! Big thighs save lives!


Oh he will grab something from "behind" like those cartoon trick alright πŸ‘€ ✨