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Read the first article about Kroko's back with no pants and how it all started: HERE

Defining the character and how he get rid of the shorts: HERE

He finally wearing a shorts!: HERE 

Full gallery, high res pic and PSD raw files will be post for $5-10 and $20 tier later this month.

I can't sleep. I keep thinking about how I overdid his designs by keep adding this and that. In the end I went back to the some of the early sketch and realized how easy and simple it looks. Despite all the personalities has been put into the newer designs, in the end as much as I like it. It's look busy.

I gotta get back to the basic.

This is that sketch I went back to. The first idea is all about cartoony croc with pizza and rollerblades. Now with the right color and with this cartoony shaped, I think I can make it works.

and... TADA!

Much, much better! With the right colors and shapes. He's now the Kroko I've been looking for <3 Simple is the best!

And now he's a big goofy croc among his friends <3 

Phew... DONE! I'm suepr satisfied now!

Sorry that you have to see this artist's dilemma XD We are in the pre-prod design so changes is a must and I can't make it without feeling satisfied with the work.

Thank you so much for reading and stand with me through the process, everyone!

See you in the next exciting update!

- Piti Yindee


Simple is best
Big goofy croc <3
One of the very first sketch that I come back to it



I'm all in for the concept, big goofy pizza deliverer croc, probably clumsy too, I love clumsy crocodilians XD good colorful cast too, I remember there being a boar guy in the earlier concepts too.

Ben Waldburger

I’m loving these more and more with each post. :3