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Anyone want a slice of pizza? <3 Kroko is back and this time he will be animated!

I still drowning in the works I got back in Nov so I doodling some random idea in my free time. It's a sketch of a cap croc in croptop with no pants:

I then thinking, he must making, delivering a pizza, with pineapple in it.

An authentic tropical fruit in it whole!

Then it keep coming. What if he have to delivery it to people who ordering it. He must wearing a rollerblades!

(Don't ask why he get buffier in every drawing~)

and Voilร ! Introducing, THE PIZZA CROC!

Suddenly the story idea came into my mind. About a short of him trying to delivery the pizza into his boyfriend house, trying to avoid the obstacle so the pizza stay in one piece.

Then it just clicked to me. This is basically what I wanted to do with Kroko Comics!

Read an unfinished Kroko comic here: ep 1, ep2 and ep 3 

I created Kroko back in 2019 and 2020. They have the same set of characters but different setting and tone. Both failed to delivered my visions.

The 2019 version was based on what people tell me what they see in Kroko. An everyday life comic of a lifeguard croc and his boyfriend Otto. I draw only one episode and feel like I repeated what I did with Wuffle and it didn't have any purpose rather than just a fanservice. So I stopped and try to stay true to the visions.

Then came the 2020 version. This time is based on my experienced about facing a dissappointment in life and love. Otto is a young hippo who got inspired by a fancy Kroko's TV commercial to growing up and working in his dream job, a detective in a classic trent coat with a magnifying glass in his hands.

The plan for 2020 version is to show that Otto won't have a happy life like he dreamed of. Each case he solved will lead to the bitter sweet ending such as he might not ended up with Kroko, something like that.

At that time I discovered that I'm not that type of creator lol I can't create a traumatized story based on my experienced and just show to the reader to enjoying it.

Making that put me in depression for the big chunk of many months.

I left Kroko for a while and went to created Fossils in 2021. The goal is to pursue myself into what I always wanted, an animation that entertain people and myself. Fossils was done and it did make me feel so much joy. It brings job and award to me, with the help of you all supporting all the year that keep me survive <3

So I feel like, this sketches are a call for me to go back to our big heart croc <3

I finally found a nice theme and what I wanted to tell through this characters. A happy life with love and friends, plus pizza to warm you stomach ^.^

I'm gonna develope an idea and will keep you update.

Thank you for reading โค๏ธ

- Piti Yindee




KYAAAA Kroko my beloved ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’œโœจโœจโœจ


I am happy to see that he will return! These drawings look great.


Eyyyyyyy looks fun! I would give him pants but that design is great! Good job piti! Kroko needs love


That fox on the last pic gave me a solid laugh. XD The humour in your drawings are always a joy to see!

pitiyindee (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-08 17:00:34 And I having fun drawing the gang again &lt;3
2022-01-29 18:30:36 And I having fun drawing the gang again <3

And I having fun drawing the gang again <3

pitiyindee (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-08 17:00:34 No pants is the new black &lt;3 HUGS PAPA
2022-01-29 18:30:54 No pants is the new black <3 HUGS PAPA

No pants is the new black <3 HUGS PAPA


Oh my gosh, I cannot wait to see this XD, love this Pizza Croc bro

pitiyindee (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-08 17:00:33 sounds amazong already right? &lt;3
2022-01-30 07:43:43 sounds amazong already right? <3

sounds amazong already right? <3


and for the future joke such as Kroko need to find a suitable pants for special occasion haha