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2021-12-02: Finished!

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I finally finished my first animation on Toon Boom ever! Here's the finished animation (and some other part for the context) with grains, film shaking and color flickering. I just wanted to make it looks like an old film for the sake of aesthetics XD

Thank you for watching and supporting <3

2021-11-14: All Clean Up!

Whoo, havent one a caricature drawing since forever!

Next: Layout and color design!


My friend, Dirk, asked me to join their reanimated project from this weird, public domain Popeye cartoon called "Barbecue for Two". Watch it above and see how low budget it is XD

I got the spinach scene and in the original, Popeye use his chin to, popping up the spinach can and whistle it? Then eat it and make a freeze snarly face.

WTH was that?!

It doesn't make sense! So I made the spinach can walk and undress itself before jumping it naked body into Popeye's stomach. Now that's make more sense XD

And in the end I made Popeye turn himself into Robin Williams (he play Popeye in the 1980 movie version) as a tribute <3

That's all for today. Will keep you update when I have time after work

- Piti Yindee


Popeye Reaniamted sc0046 - FIN


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